Saturday, February 18, 2012

Board Game Balancing

Short update this week, just about the board game prototype and the changes made to it. The biggest change is to the turn based structure: we are making it so that all the players take their turn at the same time. This will make it a closer imitation to the real time video game version, and allows some more strategies.
There is an obvious dominant strategy to our game as it stands now. That strategy is to race to the middle of the board, where there is a corner that enemies can only come at the players from 2 directions. One of the directions can be blocked up using the Engineer's special ability, and the other direction can be covered fairly effectively by the Assault, Sniper and Engineer shooting enemies. This also makes it so that the Medic spends their every turn healing the player who needs it most.

To help make playing the Medic more fun, we were also thinking of changing the Medic's special so that it heals a set number of hp, instead of full recovery, and allowing the Medic to shoot that turn as well.
And lastly, the blue enemies are useless. The way the game is made, is that Red's do 2 damage, Green's move 4 tiles and have 10 hp, and Blue's have 30 hp (where a hypothetical blank enemy would have 1 attack, 2 movement, 20 hp, and 2 range). This makes them have only one use, and that is as a shield for the Engineer to capture and block off that entrance. Maybe giving the Blue's longer range on their attacks would make them more dangerous. The proposed change to Blue's is to give them the base hp but 4 range on their attacks, this would force players to leave their corner to attack them, adding another element of risk and choice to the game.

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