Monday, March 12, 2012

GDW - Progress Update

So far with the past few weeks, we more or less finalized most of the designs we needed to have in place for the coming weeks. In terms of models, we're at about 60-70% completion in terms of having all the models built (so far enemy models are done as we've decided to limit the maximum number of enemies we should have to allow for more time with other requirements as well as the level). What remains from the art/modeling side of things is the texture mapping and rigging phase in order for all of our model assets to be completed. In terms of the requirements that are set out, the networking aspect has been implemented into our current base and seems to be working, it will be a matter of getting the actual functions needed to update the info sent and received by the client and server for the player and enemy positions as well as dead reckoning.

As for the sound that we plan to have in there, we plan to start recording sound effects this week to get that out of the way, though we’ll be required to come up with a list of sound effects that will be needed so that we have a better idea of what still needs to be recorded/generated.

For the programming side, we more or less have the base of what we need for game play in terms of bullets/projectiles, enemy and player AI and path finding. So we should be able to get everything up and going with having an actual prototype soon.

What currently remains to be done so fare are completing the rigging of player character models, texture mapping the assets on the modeling/art side, for the programming, it’s a means of creating and testing the functions for dead reckoning and getting those working/tweeked for use.

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