Monday, April 9, 2012


these are the final results for the heads-up display (hud) for the game endless.
first well talk about the in game hud.

1. this space in the hud shows the current status of your AI/online team mate in the game. it shows the current health and the level/rank. it also states what type of class the team mate is based on the logo. if the logo is a cross hair then the team mate is an assault and if it is a first aid cross then it is a medic.
2. shows the timer of the game. since the game is more on survival we thought that a timer will be a nice idea in the hud. it also motivated the player to keep playing the game because the player sees the progress of his record.

3. radar shows where the enemies are right now. the radar is steady, means that the radar does not rotate. the radar always points to north.

4. this space states the life of the the players character. and under it is the logo for what rank the character is. we used the ranking logos that were used in the military.

5. finally this spaces tells the player the ammo he/she currently have. it also tells how many special action that the player has.

this is the game over hud. the background is not really dark but more like the environment of the game turns dark then this pictures fades in. the score is shown and below it the time on how long the player survived is shown. the only buttons that can be clicked is the restart buttons and the quit game button.

the main menu was too big to be uploaded so i just had the buttons as the sample
in looking at the buttons, we plan to show a sci-fi theme in the menu. the menu is more like a cube. one of the our colleagues mentioned that the idea is similar to the game cube options menu. even though its not an original were still going to keep it because it looks cool.

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