Sunday, April 1, 2012

GDW Status Update

Since everyone seems to be forgetting about the blog all the time I will do the post this week and give an update on the various areas of the game and where we stand right now. (And also because I haven't done a post on the team blog for a while now :P )

Art: All of the art assets are done now. The artists are working on polishing them so that they look better. The artists are still discussing whether or not to add another level into the game due to the time constraints. It would ruin the game if the player were to be in a beautiful world in one level and then in the next level the level looks like poop.

Sounds: The sounds are approximately 90% done. Hopefully we can finish recording the sounds by the middle of the week and have them edited and ready to go by the end of the week. The other sounds that we have recorded previously have all been edited so they are ready to go. We are however, still discussing whether or not we should throw in a few variations of each sound so that the player does not get tired of hearing the same sound again and again.

Business: The requirements for finance have been taken care of a few weeks ago and it is only a matter of submitting it this week. Nothing special.

Networking: Networking is probably the area that is most behind right now. All of the basics have been taken care of and it is a matter of applying it to the game and testing to make sure that the dead reckoning works.

Programming: The game has been programmed for the most part and a lot of the stuff is already in place. Now that the assets are starting to become available we have loaded them into the game and in the process of adding the other required components and testing to make sure it works. One problem we have right now is the lag due to the number of enemies in the game. We are going to try to make the game multi threaded so that it will run a lot smoother. Hopefully we can have this ready by the time the game con rolls around.

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