Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year, New Game and a New Team

Happy New Year everybody!

It's a new year and after the disaster we've had last semester we've made many changes. To start off, here are the changes we've made:

- We've removed the slackers in the group. Simply put, it's just not fair to the rest of the team that does do work.We started out as a group of 7 but we are now only a group of 4.

- We've changed our team name. The original team name was 'Got Rice?' and we have renamed to 'Slightly Toasted'. This will be the group blog used throughout the semester (possibly longer) and the individual blogs will remain the same.

- The last and biggest change we've made is the game. After re-forming the smaller group, nobody was interested in working on the old game anymore and agreed on completely re-doing the entire game, working on something that everybody will enjoy so that hopefully everyone will put in all the effort they can to make this a good game.

How is this going so far? The team is off to a good start and working hard at properly planning the game before any of the development starts. Here are some pictures from our first meeting:

The Meeting Board

A Close Up Of The Board

Picture Of The Meeting
We seem to be off to a good start so hopefully we will all keep this up and have a great game by the end of the semester.

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