Sunday, January 29, 2012

Design Changes

This time around for our 3rd meeting, we went back to discuss some details about our game’s level setup as well as some of the characters we planned to have in the game. With our level set up we decided that the use of turrets would be a bit too over powered allowing for enemy kills to be too easy. After trying to figure out alternatives to keep the turrets, in the end we decided that scrapping it would be the best idea and to make the level a bit more complex to make up for it. The rest of the level details more or less will stay the same.

On the playable characters side of things, since we are building a new game from scratch, we decided that 4 players might be a bit too much considering the remaining time we have left to have a working prototype by the end of the semester. So with this in mind, we had to decide on 2 characters that we should scrap from our design as well. The first being the engineer as there were a lot of complications with how unbalanced it would get due to the type of weapon they would have. We originally planned to have the engineer place turrets but would not have any means of attacking with any other weapons however we were question whether it would have been a good idea since it may bore the player as it wouldn’t be too interactive if they were playing as that character. The second option was to let the engineer carry a sub-machine gun and remove the ability to place turrets but with skills such as being able to “seize control” of 1 enemy unit until it dies (this can only be used when the player doesn’t already have control over an enemy unit as well as having a cooldown timer on the skill). This in the end also seemed a bit overpowered in some opinions shared as well as even with the character having a physical weapon. Thus we ended up getting rid of this character from the design as well as one other.

A playable character that is guaranteed to be in the game however would be the Assault. It seems to have been the best choice to keep mainly due to the idea that it would be much more easily balanced in terms of attack speed, weapon damage and health points for this character.

So at this point, we are more or less good to go with getting most of the work started.

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